With that said, it's increasingly important that, as a society, we teach them principles like acceptance, love and understanding.
This is why a post from Liv Hnilicka, a transgender waitress in Minnesota, has touched the hearts of thousands.
Liv was at work one afternoon when she was approached by a dad who said that his daughter had questions about Liv's appearance and identity.
In Liv's words: "As I was filling the water station, he came up and said, 'My daughter just asked if you were a boy or a girl. I didn't want to speak for you so would you like to talk to her?'"
How inspiring, right?! This father, rather than imposing falsehoods on his daughter, sought out Liv's personal testimony, showing a great deal of respect for who Liv is!
As Liv says in her post, "I walked away from the table feeling really good about parents intentionally engaging their children...and showing that giving people the power to voice their truths in this complicated world is beautiful and healing."
Liv explained to man's daughter the simple fact that she was born as a boy but is now living her adult life as a girl, leaving her with this piece of knowledge: "Everyone can be anything they want to be in this world."
May this be a wonderful lesson to everyone reading this: Identity does not only look like one thing. Each person is different than their fellow man and that is what our world should spend time celebrating and teaching to the generations to come.